The Stone – a black comedy and sad tragedy about two millionaire hunters from Eastern Europe, JELENA  and NADESCHDA. One will marry soon, the other is freshly widowed and instead of procuring a worthy tombstone for her deceased husband, she buys herself an expensive ring with real brilliant stone.

The film consists of many humorous episodes depicting the relationship and feelings: friendship, envy and rivalry between the two girlfriends. Clearly the most important thing is and remains the stone. Which not only causes a lot of excitement, but in the end brings all who desire it to the grave.

The film is filmed in black and white and will have a sarcastic character. Grotesque figures and theatrical representations will mingle with a documentary and naturalistic style.

The costumes, camera shots, dramaturgical development and music awaken nostalgic feelings that are reminiscent of the film classic, above all the German filmmaker Reiner Werner Fassbinder, whose artistic work I see not only as an inspiration, but also as an artistic encouragement.
At the moment I am working on the research and preparations.

Many thanks to the cameraman Jevgenija Rubakova and the actress Janina Ahh.

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